Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)
Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)
Liturgical Committee

The Liturgy Committee assists the Priest with planning and implementing the various aspects of liturgical activities in the parish.

Community Building Committee

Our community building committee provides support and creates the avenue for interaction among members.

Devotion Committee

Our Devotional Committee is the PPC committee charged with ensuring that prayers, and all spiritual activities of the church continues to grow.

Welfare & Social Action Committee

The welfare committee is responsible for the comfort and well being of parishioner and also takes care of all social activities within the parish.

Faith & Education Committee

The primary objective of the Parish is to aid salvation, this is achieved by continuous education and development of programs, materials and process that aid the Catholic faith.


Our Finance Council, composed of members with the appropriate expertise and possessing a love for the Church and its mission, provide our Priest valuable advice and assistance in the execution of parish financial administration duties. They also help our parish maximize its financial resources and avert potential financial problems.

Parish Laity Council (PLC)

The Parish Laity Council is charged by the Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity (Apostolicam Actuositatem) with the goal of intensifying the apostolic activity of the laity by promoting the apostolate and coordinating parish lay initiatives. While individual groups are responsible for organizing and directing their own activities, the parish laity council is charged with the coordination and promotion of lay apostolic zeal amongst parishioners.