The Young Catholic Professionals is a society in the Catholic Church, Lagos Archdiocese. We are youth between the ages of 25 to 50 years who use their 3Ts to serve the church and humanity.
Talent - we use our professional talent to serve the church by providing professional seminars and lectures for educational purposes.
Treasure - we support the church by providing financial support were needed.
Time - we dedicate our time to activities that promote the church.
Meeting Days
We meet twice in a month.
1. 1st Sunday of the month - Bible sharing at IT Room, 2nd Floor, Domus Maria. We read Bible verses, share knowledge, and pray for our members.
2. 3rd Sunday of the month - General meeting at IT Room, 2nd floor Domus Maria. Our programs last for a maximum of 2 hours.
Our patron Saint is St Augustine of Hippo
Our account Details for donations and payments
Name: Young Catholic Professionals
Account No: 6060266500
Fidelity bank